Dry Skin Conditions

Dry Skin Conditions


Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes the skin to be reddened, dry, cracked and very itchy. Eczema is usually found in creases of your skin, front of elbows, behind the knees, front of ankles and around your neck and eyes. When you have a flare up of this condition the eczema becomes very itchy, hot, red, scaly and very itchy. In severe cases it may be weeping and swollen. There is no simple cure for atopic eczema however there are a variety of treatments and products that can help ease this condition.


Psoriasis is a skin condition whereby the skin cells produce too quickly. You can be affected by it at any age but most often develops in adults under the age of 35. Dry red lesions (plaques) and covered in silver scales normally appear on elbows, knees, scalp and lower back but can appear anywhere on the body. The lesions can be sore and itchy and in severe cases the skin around your joints may crack and bleed. Psoriasis it not contagious and generally it is only found in small patches on the body.

Dermatitis - Before

Dermatitis - After 3 sessions

Eczema - Before

Eczema - After

Psoriasis - Before

Psoriasis - After

Psoriasis - Before

Psoriasis - After


For further information please call Jaclyn
at Skin Care Solutions on 07973 373 941.